…Than a Three Dollar Bill
Sexuality is responsible for
the reproduction of all organisms in the Plant and Animal Kingdom. Most Plants
and Animals including humans employ Sexual Reproduction. In Sexual Reproduction two separate sexes
combine their DNA to make an offspring. This offspring contains half of its DNA
from each parent and is a mixture of the two. There is another form of
sexuality as well, called Asexuality. In Asexual Reproduction the DNA of
offspring are 100% copies of its parents genes. Asexual reproduction is usually
performed by Single Celled organisms and Plants. However, many Animal Species
can and do reproduce asexually. It seems to me by understanding nature we can
better understand humans and our human sexualities.
Most species of reptiles
reproduce sexually, but in many species of reptiles they reproduce by means of
asexual reproduction. In some reptile species they often have very few or no
males at all. Some reptile species are Hermaphroditic and have both male and
female parts. Others species such as the Whiptails have no males at all and
reproduce by what is called Parthenogenesis from the Greek word meaning “Virgin
Birth”. It is being discovered that a majority of snake breeds can
Parthenogenesis in the right conditions. Many sexual reproductive species can
be both sexual and still have Parthenogenetic births. Some species like the
Komodo Dragon have ‘’went back” to sexual reproduction after a Parthenogenetic
birth. Scientists believe this Parthenogenesis form of reproduction may have
given the reptiles a better chance at colonizing new islands. Reptiles and
Serpents were known in the ancient times for their virgin births in more ways
than one.
The Reptile species that are known to
Parthenogenesis usually have one thing in common, they are Inter-Species
hybrids. They are the children of two different kinds of animals that have
mated to make a new kind. Parthenogenesis occurs in these animals as a result
of what is known as Intragenomic Conflict. Intragenomic Conflict occurs when
two mating partners share DNA that does not line up well with the others. Two
separate species mating together is understandably a cause of Intragenomic
Conflict because they are two separate species. Many times there is so much
Intragenomic conflict that these Inter-Species Hybrids are unable to viably
reproduce offspring.
We do know that the ZW
Chromosome System of Reptiles allows them to hybridize with other species and
produce viable offspring in a very effective manner. This Chromosome System
makes it the perfect animal to hybridize with other species. In this system the
female’s egg decides the sex of the offspring. When females are born through
Parthenogenesis they can only produce females after that because of the way the
ZW Chromosome System works.
Some animals such as the mule which is created
by mating horses and donkeys cannot reproduce viable offspring because they do
not have an even number of chromosomes, which is an Intragenomic Conflict. When
the Chromosomes don’t line up it is impossible for Cell Division to occur. Just
because two animals have equal chromosomes does not mean that they will
automatically blend together perfect either. Whenever two distinct species mate
it seems there is a possibility for Intragenomic Conflict.
When two species hybridize
to make a third they are able to do this as a result of having similar DNA. If
they were too different they could not successfully reproduce. Two species
could have been one species in the past but over time they become distinct.
When two groups of the same species are separated by distance and natural
barriers they can become their own seperate species. This process of becoming a
new species is called Speciation. Speciation can come through natural selection
or controlled breeding. When two species hybridize to make a third species it
is rare for that new species to attain Speciation but it does happen. The
difficulty lies in the fact that males in Inter-Species Hybrid lines will often
be infertile or effeminized. Therefore the female must be mated back into the
line of one of her Parent Species to produce males that are reproductively
Viable offspring of an
inter-species hybridization often gain attributes from both species that make
the new species thrive. The Caucasian Rock Lizards of the Darevski Genus have
six forms of Parthenogens that became more advanced than both of their parent
species. Their prosperity caused the decline of its parent species by thriving
in the parent species’ original natural habitat. When a Hybrid Species becomes
superior in fitness to its Parent Species scientists call this Heterosis. Some
believe that all hybrids are superior to their parent’s species. I do not
believe that is the case. Clearly a Mule is not superior to a Horse or a
Donkey. In the case of humans it is believed modern man came into existence as
a result of Heterosis between the two species of Cro-Magnon Man and Neanderthal
Man. This new Man had gained the strengths of both lines and became strong.
Another thing common to the
reptile species that Parthenogenesis, is homosexuality. In many species that
Parthenogenesis you will see large amounts of homosexual behavior. I have
deduced that Inter-Species Hybridization causes the Parthenogenesis to occur
within the new species as a result of the Intragenomic Conflict that results
from Inter-Species Hybridization. This same Intragenomic Conflict is what
causes the homosexuality to occur in these animals. In the all female Whiptail
species, a species that is the result of Inter-Species Hybridization, the
females require another female to help reproduce. A female will mount another
female in the fashion of the male mating ritual, which helps to release the
hormones needed to reproduce. Many lizards and snake species have documented
evidence of homosexual activity. In some of these species they have one male
for every twenty or so females. Sometimes the males become effeminized. Sometimes
lizards like the Komodo Dragon are bi-sexual but mostly heterosexual. This
sliding scale of sexuality is brought about by genes called Segregation
Distorters which create Meiotic Drive bringing about distortions in Sex Ratios.
Whichever parent is the carrier of this gene will have a higher probability of
having children of the same sex. This is how whole species of lizards can
become asexual females.
When someone is a baby it is
said that they have Mama’s Eyes or Daddy’s nose because babies inherit genetic
traits from both parents. Suppose in an Inter-Species relationship that the
offspring get the mother’s male hormone maker and the daddy’s female hormone maker.
Since they are different species they may have different sized hormone glands.
I can see how this could become a problem in Inter-Species Hybridization.
compared to the Parthogenic and Homosexual reptiles you see many commonalities
with Rh- people. The most important of these to understand is that Rh- people
are indeed a separate species of human, and many people are hybrids of both
species of humanity. Rh- women build up antibodies against rh+ blood after the
first baby is born in the same way that a horse builds up antibodies after
hybridizing one time with a donkey to make a Mule. This also happens when you
breed a Lion and A Tiger to make a Liger. This occurrence is called Infant
Haemolytic disease in humans. This is one glaring scientific fact that proves
that Rh- people are a separate species.
It is apparent to me that Intragenomic Conflict does
occur between people with Rh- and Rh+ bloodlines. These Intragenomic conflicts
between Rh+ and Rh- individuals is most likely the cause of several disorders
that affect primarily the males in a mixed Rh- and Rh+ line. These disorders
include Autism, Haemophilia, Color Blindness, Webbing, Dyslexia, and
In the famous Indiana
University Kinsey Reports found about 10% of American males to be exclusively
homosexual. Females were said to be anywhere from 2% to 6% exclusively
homosexual. That could mean that males are up to five times more likely to be
homosexual. Many such studies have come up with similar figures.
A study
conducted by the Department of Sociology at Minot State University in North
Dakota detected ‘’unusually high’’ levels of homosexuals with Rh- blood when
compared to heterosexuals. They suggested that a connection may exist between
sexual orientation and genes on chromosome 9 and on chromosome 1, the
chromosome which determines Rh factor. It is my own personal belief that Rh-
Bloodline people are indeed more androgynous. The men are more feminine and the
women more masculine. This is probably the
result of Intragenomic Conflict as a result of Inter-Species Hybridization and between
Rh- and Rh+ humans.
I have
no scientific study to back up these claims at this time but I believe there
are many more Rh- women than Rh- men. I confess that this claim is only backed
up by my limited interaction with people on the internet. These numbers I have
seen could possibly be skewed because of more women being aware of their
bloodtype due to pregnancy issues. However, there seems to be an overwhelming
amount of more Rh- women than Rh- men. This is similar to lizard populations
that have been effeminized via hybridization.
The reason that the
Segregation Distorters in humans have such a limiting effect on the males and
the genes are carried on the male side is because of the way the Human
Chromosome System works. Men have X and Y Chromosomes. Women have two X
Chromosomes. If an Intragenomic Conflict transfers a defect onto a male X
Chromosome he will be afflicted by whatever disorder. If one X Chromosome of a female
has a problem she has an extra to replace it with. This then makes her a
carrier of the gene that she then passes onto her male children.
Many people have mixed Rh- and Rh+ ancestry.
Some Rh+ people are carriers of the Rh- genes because they are hybrids of Rh-
and Rh+ together. Some Rh- people are also carriers of the Rhesus factor
because they are hybrids. Since both groups of humans have the same number of
chromosomes they can successfully hybridize. Humans cannot mate with other
primates like the Apes because they are too dissimilar. Because Apes have a
larger number of chromosomes humans cannot successfully hybridize with them.
However humans with Rh- blood and humans with Rh+ blood are similar enough to
hybridize and produce viable offspring because we have the same number of
Chromosomes. Up to 40% of Western Europeans are carriers of the Rh- genes,
while around 15% are Rh-. Perhaps this mixing of two kinds is causing
Intragenomic Conflict.
Homosexuality has it highest levels in
countries where these two separate species have interbred the most. In
countries such as the USA, Israel, France, and the UK where the elite have high
levels of Rh- blood there are less severe laws against homosexuality than
countries where there is an Rh+ dominance. For example in Israel, the UK and
parts of the USA allow for civil unions which give homosexuals the same rights
as marriage. Israel will not allow gay marriages to be performed in Israel but
they will recognize foreign gay marriages conducted somewhere else. Perhaps
these countries are more comfortable with homosexuality because they see it
more and it seems more natural. Perhaps this is because they are Rh- & Rh+
Inter-Species Hybrids that have homosexuality in their blood. A nations laws
are generally very representative of their character. If this were not true
they would change the laws and make them more suitable.
In a 1995 study called “The
Prevalence of Homosexual Behavior and Attraction in the United States, the
United Kingdom and France” they found varying levels of homosexuality in the
three countries. All three countries are primarily Western Europeans with R1b
DNA, but they have this gay divide. The United Kingdom had the lowest levels of
homosexuals with around 4.5% of the population having had gay sex in the last
five years. The United States came in second with 6.2% of men having had
homosexual intercourse within the last five years. France had over double what
the United Kingdom had with 10.7% of males engaging in this behavior. Some
people would say numbers like this are brought about by cultural reasons,
France being a more liberal country. I believe it is due to the amount of
Inter-Species Hybridization that each nation has engaged in. France has long
been more of a mixed nation ever since the Roman Conquest of Gaul. France is
also on Continental Europe which makes it easier for foreigners in the past and
the present to travel there. In the United States it is higher than the United
Kingdom for similar reasons that France is. The Caucasians of the United States
have mixed ancestry in greater amounts than the United Kingdom because of the
lax immigration laws and their melting pot mentality.
In countries with less Rh-
blood the residents seem to be more against homosexuality. A survey conducted
in Vietnam said that 82% of all Vietnamese believed that homosexuality was
unacceptable. Pure Asians have very low levels of Rh- blood. Less than 1% of
the Asian population has Rh- bloodlines. Nations in the heart of Africa are
generally more opposed to homosexuality as well. Homosexuality is looked down
upon extremely. In Uganda they have passed laws against homosexuality making it
illegal and punishable by death. Perhaps these people are not hybrids and that
is why homosexuality seems evil and unnatural. It just doesn’t ever enter their
brains as something they would like to do, so it seems foreign and wicked. They
don’t understand that homosexuality occurs in nature and that it is the result
of Inter-Species Hybridization.
In ancient texts we see
Historians like Herodotus that makes mention of the large number of homosexuals
in Rh- tribes. Herodotus said the Rh- tribe of the Scythians/Saka/Saxons had
large numbers of people they called the Enarees. The Enarees were an effeminate
priest-hood of men-women who held special position within society because of
their condition. Herodotus explained what he understood to be their origin;
Scythians next turned their attention to Egypt, but were met in Palestine by
Psammeticus the Egyptian King, who by earnest entreaties supported by bribery
managed to prevent further advance. They withdrew by way of Ascalon in Syria.
The bulk of the army passed the town without doing any damage, but a small
number of men got left behind and robbed the Temple of Aphrodite Urania – the
most ancient, I am told, of all the temples of this goddess. The one in Cyprus
the Cyprians themselves admit was derived from it. The one in Cythera was built
by the Phoenicians, who belong to this part of Syria. The Scythians who robbed
the Temple of Ascalon were punished by the goddess with the infliction of the
“female disease”, and their descendants still suffer from it. This is the
reason the Scythians give for this mysterious complaint, and travelers to the
country can see what it is like. The Scythians call those who suffer from it
Hippocrates the famous Greek Physician called “the Father
of Medicine” spoke of the Enarees and the Scythian sexuality as well;
“…and in addition to these, there are many eunuchs
among the Scythians, who perform female work
and speak like women .Such persons are called effeminates. The
inhabitants of the country attribute the cause of their impotence to a god. And
venerate and worship such persons, everyone dreading that the like might befall
himself; but to me it appears that such
affections are just as much divine as all others are, and that no one disease
is either more divine or more human than another, but that all are alike
divine, for that each has its own nature, and that not one arises without a
natural cause. But I will explain how I think that the affection takes its
rise. From the continued exercise on horseback they are seized with chronic
defluxions in their joints owing to their legs always hanging down below their
horses; they afterwards become lame and stiff at the hip joint, such of them,
at least, as are severely attacked with it. They treat themselves in this way;
when the disease is commencing, they open the vein behind either ear, and when
the blood flows, sleep, from feebleness, seizes then, and afterwards they
awaken, some in good health and others not. To me it appears that the semen is
altered by the treatment, for there are veins behind the ears which, if cut,
induce impotence; now these veins would appear to be cut. Such persons
afterwards, when they go in to women and cannot have connection with them, at
first do not think much about it, but remain quiet; but when, after making the
attempt two, three, or more times, they succeed no better, fancying they have
committed some offence against the god they blame for the affection, they put
on female attire, reproach themselves for effeminacy, play the part of women,
and perform the same work as women do. This the rich among the Scythians
endure, not the basest, but the most noble and powerful, owing to their riding
on horseback; for the poor are less affected, as they do not ride on horses,
And yet, if this disease had been more divine than others, it ought not to have
befallen the most noble and the richest of the Scythians alone, but all alike,
or rather those who have little, as not being able to pay honors to the gods,
if indeed, they delight in being thus rewarded by men, and grants favors in
return; for it is likely that the rich sacrifice more to the gods, and dedicate
more votive offerings, in as much as they have wealth, and worship the gods;
whereas the poor, from want, do less in this way, and, moreover, upbraid the
gods for not giving them wealth, so that those who have few possessions were
more likely to bear the punishments of these offences than the rich. But, as I
formerly said, these affections are divine just as much as others, for each
springs from a natural cause, and this disease arises among the Scythians from
such a cause as I have stated. But it attacks other men in like manner, for
whenever men ride much and very frequently on horseback, then many are affected
with rheums in the joints, sciatica, and gout, and they are inept at venery.
But these complaints befall the Scythians, and they are the most impotent of
men for the aforesaid causes, and because they always wear breeches, and spend
most of their time on horseback, so as not to touch their privy parts with the
hands, and from the cold and fatigue they forget the sexual desire, and do not
make the attempt until after they have lost their virility. Thus it is with the
race of the Scythians.
It is important to notice that the Enarees were often
born among the upper classes of Scythian society. These are the classes of
society where Rh- would be mixing with Rh+ the most.
legends that allude to the large homosexual population of the Scythians were
the tales about the Amazon Warriors. These sword swinging ladies were a tribe
of lesbians that interbred with the Scythians. They were known for cutting off
one breast so they could shoot a bow better. The Amazons descendants, the
Sarmatians were known for their women fighting in war alongside the men.
Hippocrates noted that the Scythian women had the most reproductive problems
among all the races. Even to this day pure Negroid and Mongoloid countries have
the highest birth rates. The Caucasoid nations typically have the fewest number
of births. Many women in the USA go to specialized Doctors to deal with their
infertility problems.
Many mixed Caucasian peoples
of the ancient world like Romans, Greeks, Persians and Jews were known for
their homosexual ways. In Greece most young males would take on a mentor that
would be their sexual partner and friend. The older men would show their “Pederasts”
the ropes of Greek society. Zeus the King of the Gods was said to have had a
homosexual relationship with the boy Ganymede. It seems homosexuality played an
important role in Greek culture. Is it possible that the stories about the gods
being gay were ancient stories reflecting the homosexuality actually witnessed
among the “Gods” by ancient people? The Romans and Persians are well known for
their perversions. The Catholic Church dominated all of Europe for millennia
and has long been associated with homosexuality. In the old Hebrew stories of
the Fallen Angels it is told that when the Angels came down and mixed with the
Daughters of Men, they increased licentiousness and perversion. All throughout
the Bible Israel is dealing with its Homosexual Problem. King Josiah was
praised for killing and deporting them. Perhaps these homosexuals kept popping
up due to Israel’s large Inter-Species hybrid population. The Zohar, one of the
most important books in Judaism, speaks of Israel being hybridized with the
“Serpent Seedline”. Indeed they are.
It’s crazy to think about
but nature rewards inbreeding in many ways. Many dog breeders often “line
breed” to make purer blood and better dogs. The Royalty and the Aristocracy of
Rh- tribes and nations are the most inbred of all the Rh-‘s. This would in a
way put them even further away genetically from Rh+’s. High levels of Rh- would
then indeed be in the blood of the rich as well. A lot of the breeding goes on
with the peasants so there is much mixture around the upper classes. This is
why Hippocrates spoke of the Enarees being born to the rich and powerful. To
this day it is the elite classes that push for greater acceptance of
homosexuality. Many Kings of the British Isles have been known to be
homosexuals. Rumors have circulated for years that Charles future King of
England is a homosexual. You have to congratulate the elite for at least being
honest with themselves, even though they cannot be honest to anyone else.
Among the nations that are
populated with Hybrids there have been many legends that speak of the virgin
births or miracle births. The earliest virgin birth stories we have recorded
come from Sumer among the Anunnaki Gods. Dumuzi also known as Tammuz is the son
of the virgin mother Inanna in the Sumerian legend. Horus is the virgin birthed
son of Isis in Egypt. Krishna is the son of the virgin Devaki in India. In
Greece it is Dionysus son of Semele and the God Zeus. In Persia it was Mithra
son of Ahura Mazda. In China it’s Qi the abandoned son of Jiang Yuan and the
supreme god Shangdi. In Mexico it was Huitzilopochtli son of Coatlicue. In
modern times it is Jesus the Son of the Virgin Mary. These gods were all linked
to the sun and the serpent because the sun and serpents have virgin births. In
the case of many actual serpents it is due to Inter-Species Hybridization.
All major orders of vertebrates like reptiles, birds,
fish, and amphibians, have been shown to have virgin births. This leads me to
believe that under the right conditions that this could be possible. You might
even think that it would be more likely to occur in Royal Bloodlines because of
their inbreeding and Inter-Species Hybridization. This certainly is the case in
many of these stories. Mary mother of Jesus had four Gentile women in her
lineage, Tamar, Ruth, Rahab and Bathsheba. Buddha was born to the Royal House.
The mother of Krishna was a Princess of India. Semele the mother of Dionysus
was a Phoenician Princess. These virgin births seem to occur in the royal
families for a reason. If the stories have any truth maybe these royals were
descended from mixed RH- and Rh+ relationships that resulted in Intragenomic
Conflict that resulted in a real virgin birth. Perhaps they were secluded away
and became Parthenogenetic like snakes do. These tales are hard to believe but
maybe they were based on a real event somewhere in the distant past. If this
happened today people would be talking about it for generations
Over the years many have
proclaimed to have had an Immaculate Conception, but how do you know if they
are telling the truth? If a manly looking woman told me she was the mother of a
miracle child I might not believe her. Until we have scientific proof, stories
of real virgin births should not be enough. We need DNA evidence. We can’t
prove it yet, but many scientists are speculating that under the right
circumstances a human woman could give birth to a genetic clone of herself. It
would be just really rare. It truly would be a miracle if it did happen but it
would be explainable with science. Who is to say that these virgin birth
stories aren’t based on a real event originally and that it couldn’t happen
again? Perhaps homosexuality and virgin births are indeed a trait of the
Hybridized Tribes of humanity.
As for the Virgin birth ... if that happened ... there would be no y chromosome so it would always be a female .